• Virtual Box
  • Vagrant
  • Tutorial

  • vagrant box add hashicorp/precise32
  • vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh

  • Virtualization
    • hypervisor
    • IaaS - EC2
    • PaaS - EB
    • SaaS - pre-determined fully functional sw
  • Benefits of Virtualization
    • Resizing resources is easier, hence more efficient than physical server
    • memory processor
  • Live Migration
    • Process of moving a running VM to a different host
    • Sounds complicated. But it is just data. Hence high availability
    • Large amounts of data. Copy may take a long time
    • vCPU vs pCPU
  • VirtualBox
    • to create a new machine, we need an OS
    • where do I get OS in iso file.