• HTML Document
    • is a tree of tags
  • Tags
    • Enclosed in angle brackets <div>
    • Start Tag <b>
    • End Tag </b>
  • Attributes
    • Start tags can have more information in the form of attributes with name and value/property
    • <div class="info" where class is name of the attribute and info is the value/property
    • class id title style - Global Attributes, Shared by all tags
    • data-* Custom data attributes to sthare info to the scripts
  • Element
    • Everything between the start and end tags
  • HTML Markup
    • 3-D arrangement of layers
    • z-index - stack order. Elements with higher stack order always appear front
  • Important Tags
    • <head> - scipts and meta info
    • <body> - Main Content
    • <ul> - Unordered List
    • <li> - List item
  • Form Elements
    • <form action="xyz" method="xyz">
    • <label>
    • <select>
    • <input type="checkbox/radio/submit/text/email">
  • Doctype Declaration
    • <!DOCTYPE html> - Declaration of the html version
    • This must be the very first thing in the html document
    • This is not a tag. This tells the browser the version of html the page is written in.
  • Box Model
    • Margin, Border, Padding, Content
  • Entities
    • &gt; &lt; &quot; - To print characters that have special meaning
  • Whats new in HTML 5
    • New elements - header, section, footer, aside
    • More semantic
    • div is used just for styling and not structure anymore