• Node.js ~ Originally intended to build server side js apps. Used to build automation tools and packages
  • npm ~ Package manager for node
  • bower ~ node package ~ Package manager for the web
  • gulp ~ node package ~ task runner

  • Resources
  • Node & npm
  • Bower
  • Gulp
  • Yeoman

  • Useful Node/npm Commands
    • node --version
    • npm -v
    • Installation
    • curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | sudo bash -
    • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
    • npm config list
    • npm list --global --depth=0
    • npm list --local --depth=0
    • npm uninstall package
    • npm install pkg@ver
    • npm update pkg
    • npm cache clean
    • npm init - creates package.json in the root folder
  • Dealing with older versions of ubuntu
    • article
    • Global search and replace %s/pattern/replace - did not work - why?
    • ‘iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 1022 -j ACCEPT’
    • sudo chown -R grockit:grockit grockit
    • sudo chown -R grockit:grockit .
  • Mac Installation
    • https://nodejs.org/en/
    • pkg manager - install versionn 4.2.2
    • node & npm are installed
  • Environment Variables
    • Work in different environments
  • Gulp Tasks