Development Philosophies
- Waterfall Model
- More emphasis on planning
- Agile Manifesto
- Embraces change unlike the waterfall
- Values..
- Individuals and Interactions over Processes and tools
- Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
- Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
- Responding to Change over Following a Plan
- Extreme Programming
- Pair Programming
- Code Reviews
- Unit Testing
- Flat Hierarchy
- There is nothing extreme in this approach IMHO
- Rapid Application Development
- More Emphasis on development and less on planning
- Emphasize the necessity of adjusting requirements based on knowledge gained as the project progresses
- Prefer prototypes over design specifications
- Continuous Integration
- Practice where members of the team regularly integrate their work into one central repository
- The teams use automated test & build tools to detect integration errors
- Continuous Deployment
- Natural Extension of continuous integration.
- Other Paradigms
- Scrum
- Lean Software Development
- Behavior Driven Development
- Cowboy Coding
- Minimalism
- Micro Innovation
- Release Early Release Often
- Quick & Dirty Programming
- Crude Solution that is faster and easier
- Solves the specific instance of the problem, rather than the larger general cause
- Technical Debt
- Consequences of poor system design and regular maintanence